- AREA. American Railway Engineering Associations
- ASCE. American Society of Civil Engineers
- ASEE. American Society for Engineering Education
- ASTM. American Society for Testing and Materials
- AWWA. American Water Works Association
Discussion: The Shear-Area Method. Trans. ASCE (1936), 101, pp. 992-993.
With E. C. Ingalls. Discussion: Analysis of Vierendeel Trusses. Trans. ASCE (1937),
102, pp. 925-926.
Soil Tests Check Chicago Subway Work. Eng. News-Rec., Dec. 7, 1939, pp. 87-88.
Sampling Methods and Laboratory Tests for Chicago Subway Soils. Proc. Purdue Conf. Soil Mech. and its Applications. July 1940, pp. 140-150.
The Teaching and Practice of Soil Mechanics - A Critical Comparison. Soc. for Promotion of Eng. Education, Civil Eng. Div. Ann Arbor, Mich. (1941), 6 pp.
The Measurement of Earth Pressures on the Chicago Subway. ASTM Bull., Aug. 1941, 111, pp. 25-30.
Soil Mechanics on the Chicago Subway. Ill. Tech. Eng., Oct. 1941, pp. 7-12.
With R. S. Knapp. Open-Cut Soil Pressures on Chicago Subway, Eng. News Rec., Nov. 20, 1941, pp. 87-90.
With R.S. Knapp. Open Cut Soil Pressures. Response to Letter to the Editor. Eng. News Rec., March 26, 1942.
Discussion: Pile-Driving Formulas. Progress Report of the Committee on the Bearing Value of Pile Foundations. Proc. ASCE, Feb. 1942; Also Harvard Univ. Soil Mech. Series, 17, pp. 29-30.
Factors Entering into the Determination of Allowable Loads on Chicago Sub- soils. Journ. Western Soc. Eng. (1942), 47, pp. 69-78.
Earth-Pressure Measurements in Open Cuts, Chicago (Ill.) Subway. Trans. ASCE (1943), 108, pp. 1008-1036. Discussion: pp. 1097-1103.
Discussion: Pendleton Levee Failure. Trans. ASCE (1944), 109, pp. 1414-1416.
With M. E. Uyanik. Fifty Years Ago. Ill. Technograph, Oct. 1944, pp. 14- 15.
First Progress Report of the Joint Investigation of Methods of Roadbed Stabilization. Proc. AREA (1946), 47, pp. 324-353.
Second Progress Report of the Investigation of Methods of Roadbed Stabilization. Proc. AREA (1947), 48, pp. 491-543.
Stabilizing Embankment Slides. Railway. Eng. and Maint. , Jan. 1948, pp. 65- 66.
The Mechanics of Small Earth Dams. Agr. Eng., May 1948, pp. 210-214.
History of Building Foundations in Chicago. Univ. of Ill. Eng. Exp. Sta. Bull. 373 (1948), 62 p.
With W.V. Kaun. Description of a Flow Slide in Loose Sand. Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. Soil Mech., Rotterdam (1948), II, pp. 31-33.
With O. K. Peck. Experience with Flexible Culverts through Railroad Embankments. Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. Soil Mech., Rotterdam (1948), II, pp. 95- 98.
With H. O. Ireland and C. Y. Teng. A Study of Retaining Wall Failures. Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. Soil Mech., Rotterdam (1948), III, pp. 296-299.
With S. Berman. Measurements of Pressures against a Deep Shaft in Plastic Clay. Proc. 2nd lnt. Conf. Soil Mech.. Rotterdam (1948), III, pp. 300-301.
With O. K. Peck. Settlement Observations on a Large Water Tank, Salt Lake City, Utah. Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. Soil Mech., Rotterdam (1948), IV, pp. 1-3.
With O. K. Peck. Settlement of Foundation Due to Saturation of Loess Subsoil. Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. Soil Mech., Rotterdam (1948), IV, pp. 4-5.
A Study of Retaining Wall Failures. Proc. AREA (1948), 49, pp. 660-666.
With K. Terzaghi. Soil Mechanics in Engineering Practice. Wiley, New York (1948), 566 p.
Discussion: Lateral Earth Pressures on Flexible Retaining Walls. Trans. ASCE (1949), 114, pp. 507-510.
Laboratory Studies of Roadbed Stabilization. Proc. AREA (1949), 50, pp. 676- 683; Also published as Univ. of Ill. Eng. Exp. Sta. Reprint Series 42. (1949), 10 p.
The Future of Soil Mechanics in Railroad Engineering. Proc. AREA (1949), 50, pp. 870-872.
With A. E. Cummings and G. Q. Kerkhoff. Effect of Driving Piles into Soft Clay. Trans. ASCE (1950), 115, pp. 275-285. Discussion pp. 346-350.
Soil Mechanics: The Simple, Practical Approach Can Be Fruitful. Modern Railroads, Ju1y 1950, pp. 59-62.
With H.O. Ireland and T.S. Fry. Studies of Soil Characteristics, the Earth Flows of St. Thuribe, Quebec. Univ. of Ill. Soil Mechanics Series (1951), 1, 9 p.
Selection of Foundations for Engineering Structures. Proc. 2nd Int. Conf Soil Mech., Univ. of Ill. (1952), pp. 113-118.
The Bearing Capacity of Clays. Proc. AREA (1952), 53, pp. 1057-1061.
Soil Mechanics as Related to Substructure Design. Louisiana State Univ. .Eng . Exp. Sta. Bull. 30, (1952), pp. 5-11.
With P. G. Bryant. The Bearing-Capacity Failure of the Transcona Elevator. Géotechnique, March 1953, pp. 201-208.
With A. E. Cummings. Local Materials in High Andes Prove Suitable for Rolled-Fill Dam. Civil Eng., May 1953, pp. 293-296.
The Influence of Subsurface Conditions on the Design of Foundations for Waterfront Structures in the Great Lakes Area. Proc. 4th Conf Coastal Eng., Chicago, Oct. 1953, pp. 291-305.
Foundation Exploration - Denver Coliseum. Proc. ASCE 79, Separate 326, Nov. 1953, 14 pp. Discussion: Separate 478, Aug. 1954, p. 45.
With W E. Hanson and T. H. Thornburn. Foundation Engineering. Wiley, New York (1953), 410 p.
With L. P. Drew, et al. Specifications for Design of Retaining Walls and Abutments. Proc. AREA (1953), 54, pp. 797-813.
With H. O. Ireland. Investigation of Stability Problems. Proc. AREA (1953), 54, pp. 1116-1128.
General Report: Piles and Pile Foundations. Proc. 3rd Int. Conf Soil Mech., Zurich (1953), II, pp. 345-348.
With W E. Hanson and T. H. Thornburn. Foundation Engineering - Footings on Typical Sandy and Clayey Soils. Progressive Architecture, Dec. 1953, pp. 95-101.
Foundation Conditions in the Cuyahoga River Valley. Proc. ASCE 80, Separate 513, Oct. 1954, 20p. Closure: Proc. ASCE 81, Separate 658, 1955, pp. 7-8.
With W C. Reed. Engineering Properties of Chicago Subsoils. Univ. of Ill. Eng. Exp. Sta. Bull. 423, (1954), 62 p.
Failures Induced by Weight of Fill. Proc. AREA (1954), 55, pp. 645-651.
Lateral Forces Beneath Fills. Proc. AREA (1954), 55, pp. 1057-1062.
With M. E. Uyanik. Observed and Computed Settlements of Structures in Chicago. Univ. of Ill. Eng. Exp. Sta. Bull. 429, (1955), 60 p.
The Place of Soil Mechanics in Construction. Civil Eng. Bull. ASEE, May 1955, pp. 4-5.
With A. W Skempton and D. H. MacDonald. Settlement Analyses of Six Structures in Chicago and London. Proc. Inst. Civil. Eng. , Ju1y 1955, pp. 525-544.
With Rockwell Smith. Stabilization by Pressure Grouting on American Railroads. Géotechnique, Sept. 1955, pp. 243-252.
Illinois Central Relocation at Grenada Reservoir. Proc. AREA (1955), 56, pp. 702- 706.
With J. D. Parsons. Discussion: The Action of Soft Clay along Friction Piles. Journ. ASCE, 82 (1956), SM3, pp. 1028/10-1028/11; Also Trans. ASCE, 122, (1957), pp. 758-760.
Relocation of Railroad Embankment, O'Hare Field. Chicago. Proc. AREA (1956), 57, pp. 649-657.
Stabilization by Electro-Osmosis. Proc. AREA (1956), 57, pp. 658-660.
With T. H. Wu. Field Observations on Sand Drain Construction on Two Highway Projects in Illinois. Proc. Highway Res. Board (1956), 35, pp. 747-753.
With D. U. Deere and J. L. Capacete. Discussion: The Allowable Settlements of Buildings. Proc. Inst. Civ. Eng., Part III, (1956), 5, pp. 778-781.
With C. C. Cooke et al. Specifications for Design of Spread Footing Foundations. Proc. AREA (1957), 58, pp. 633-648.
With K. Terzaghi. Stabilization of an Ore Pile by Drainage. Journ. ASCE, 83 (1957), SM1, pp. 1-13.
With H. O. Ireland. Discussion: Experiences with Loess as a Foundation Material. Journ. ASCE, 83 (1957), SM1, pp. 21-34.
With M. T. Davisson and Vello Hansen. Discussion: Soil Modulus for Laterally Loaded Piles. Journ. ASCE, 83, (1957), SM2, pp. 1228/22-1228/28.
With H. O. Ireland. Backfill Guide. Journ. ASCE, 83 (1957), ST4, pp. 1-10.
With D. U. Deere. Stability of Cuts in Fine Sands and Varved Clays, Northern Pacific Railway, Noxon Rapids Line Change, Montana. Proc. AREA (1958), 59, pp. 807-815.
Discussion: Consultants, Clients and Contractors. Journ. Boston Soc. Civil Eng., Jan. 1958, 45, pp. 34-37; Also Harvard Univ. Soil Mech. Series 54.
A Study of the Comparative Behavior of Friction Piles. Highway Res. Board Special Report 36 (1958), 72 p.
A Study of the Comparative Behavior of Friction Piles. Highway Res. Abstracts, April 1959, 29, pp. 30-39.
Summary, Bearing Capacity of Structures on Compacted Soils. Proc. 7th Annual Conf Soil Mech., Univ. of Minn. (1959), pp. 25-26.
The Teaching and Practice of Soil Mechanics--A Second Comparison. Journ. ASEE, Jan. 1960, 50, pp. 309-311.
With D. U. Deere. Investigation of Landslides for Planning Remedial Measures. Proc. AREA (1960), 61, pp. 670-611.
Discussion: Compressibility as the Basis for Soil Bearing Value. Journ. ASCE, SM1 (1960), 86, pp. 79-80.
Discussion: Major Power Station Foundation in Broken Limestone. Journ. ASCE, SM1 (1960), 86, pp. 95-98.
Discussion: Tests of Steel Tubular Piles Driven near Saigon River, Vietnam. Highway Res. Board Bull. 242 (1960), p. 40.
With A. Casagrande, L. Bjerrum, and A. W Skempton. From Theory to Practice in Soil Mechanics. Wiley, New York (1960), 425p.
Foundation. Encyclopaedia Americana (1960).
Discussion: Failure Hypotheses for Soils. Proc. Res. Conf on Shear Strength of Cohesive Soils, Boulder, Colo., June 1960, pp. 987-989.
With John Lowe, III. Moderator's Report: Shear Strength of Undisturbed Cohesive Soils. Proc. Res. Conf. on Shear Strength of Cohesive Soils, Boulder, Colo., June 1960, pp. 1137-1140.
Soil Mechanics. Encyclopaedia Britannica (1961).
Quicksand. Encyclopaedia Britannica (1961).
With H. O. Ireland. Full-Scale Lateral Load Test of a Retaining Wall Foundation. Proc. 5th Int. Conf. Soil Mech., Paris (1961), II, pp. 453-458.
Records of Load Tests on Friction Piles. Highway Res. Board Special Report 67 (1961), 412 p.
With S. Berman. Recent Practices for Foundations of High Buildings in Chicago. Symp. on The Design of High Buildings. Golden Jubilee Cong., Sept. 1961. Hong Kong Univ. Press (1962), pp. 85-98.
Discussion: Engineering Geology on the Job and in the Classroom. Journ. Boston Soc. Civil Eng., Jan. 1962, 49, pp. 73-78.
Discussion: Past and Future of Applied Soil Mechanics. Journ. Boston Soc. Civil Eng., Jan. 1962, 49, pp. 96-100.
With M. T. Davisson. Discussion: Design and Stability Considerations for Unique Pier. Trans. ASCE (1962), 127 Part IV, pp. 413-424.
Art and Science in Subsurface Engineering. Géotechnique, March 1962, 12, pp. 60- 66.
Contributions to Panel Discussion on Pile Foundations. Proc. 5th Int. Conf Soil Mech., Paris (1962), III, pp. 243-244.
Contributions to Panel Discussion on Earth Pressures. Proc. 5th Int. Conf Soil Mech.. Paris (1962). III, p. 328.
Discussion: Replies and General Summary. Session II: Foundations. Symp. Design of High Buildings. Univ. of Hong Kong (1962). pp. 103-125.
Discussion: General Summary. Special Session on Foundation Engineering. Symp. Design of High Buildings, Univ. of Hong Kong (1962), pp. 126-138.
With M. T. Davisson. Discussion: Friction Pile Groups in Cohesive Soil. Journ. ASCE, SM1. Feb. 1963. 89, pp. 279-285.
Genera1 Report: Field Investigations. Proc. 2nd Panamerican Conf. Soil Mech., Brazil (1963), II, pp. 449-455,524-525, 548-549.
Discussion: Piled Foundations. Proc. 2nd Panamerican Conf. Soil Mech., Brazil (1963), II, pp. 641-642.
With T. Raamot. Foundation Behavior of Iron Ore Storage Yards. Journ. ASCE, SM3, May 1964, 90, pp. 85-122. Closing discussion: 91, pp. 193-195.
Editorial on Substructure and Superstructure Design. Journ. ASCE, ST4, Part 2, Aug. 1964, 90, pp. 1-2.
Foundations, Structural. Encyclopaedia Britannica (1964).
Pile and Pier Foundations. Journ. ASCE, SM2, March 1965, 91, pp. 33-38.
Reflections on Dr. Karl Terzaghi. Proc. 6th Int. Conf. Soil Mech., Montreal (1965), III, pp. 77-78.
Bearing Capacity and Settlement: Certainties and Uncertainties. Proc. Symp. Bearing Capacity and Settlement of Found. , Duke Univ. (1967), pp. 3-7.
Philosophy of Foundation Design: Questions. Proc. Symp. Bearing Capacity and Settlement of Found., Duke Univ. (1967), pp. 86-88.
Philosophy of Foundation Design: Discussions. Proc. Symp. Bearing Capacity and Settlement of Found., Duke Univ. (1967), pp. 89-90.
Stability of Natural Slopes. Journ. ASCE (1967), SM4, 93, pp. 403-417.
Tunnel. Encyclopaedia Britannica (1967).
Discussion: Portage Mountain Dam 11. Materials. Canadian Geot. Journ., (1967), IV: 2, pp. 166-172.
Discussion: Analysis of Soil Liquefaction: Niigata Earthquake. Journ. ASCE (1967), SM5, 93, pp. 365-366.
Fundamentals of Compaction. Proc. Montana Conf. Soil Mech., (1967), pp. 1-9.
Discussions: Proc. Montana Conf. Soil Mech., (1967), pp. 26,27,41,42,61, 62, 77, 78, 81-85.
Conference Summation Comments. Proc. Montana Conf. Soil Mech., (1967), pp. 87- 89.
Earthquakes and Liquefaction. Proc. Montana Conf. Soil Mech., (1967), pp. 91-95.
With K. Terzaghi. Soil Mechanics in Engineering Practice, 2nd Ed., Wiley, New York (1967), 729 p.
Problems and Opportunities - Technology's Legacy from the Quaternary. Proc. Symp. on The Quaternary of Ill., Univ. of Ill. Coll. Agr. Spec. Publ. No. 14 (1968), pp. 138-144.
With A. R. S. Bazaraa. Discussion: Settlement of Spread Footings on Sand. Journ. ASCE (1969), SM3, 95, pp. 905-909.
Deep Excavations and Tunneling in Soft Ground. State of the Art Volume, 7th Int. Conf. Soil Mech., Mexico (1969), pp. 225-290.
General Report: Deep Excavations and Tunneling in Soft Ground. Proc. 7th Int. Conf. Soil Mech., Mexico (1969), 3, pp. 147-150.
Discussions: Proc. 7th Int. Conf. Soil Mech., Mexico (1969),3, pp. 328,329, 330, 359, 360, 361.
A Man of Judgment. Second R. P. Davis Lecture on the Practice of Engineering, W Va. Univ. Bull. Series 70, No.5-2, Nov. 1969, 10 p.
Advantages and Limitations of the Observational Method in Applied Soil Mechanics. Ninth Rankine Lecture, Géotechnique, June 1969, 19, pp. 171-187.
With J. R. Salley. Tolerable Settlements of Steam Turbine-Generators. Journ. ASCE (1969), PO2, 95, pp. 227-252.
Discussion: Representative Sampling in Location, Quality, and Size. ASTM Spec. Tech. Publ. 483 (1970), pp. 107-108.
With V. Pop and S. Birger. Linii de Influenta Pentru Grinzi Torsionate pe Mediu Elastic (Influence Lines for Twisted Beams on Elastic Foundations). Buletinul Stiintific al lnstitutului Politehnic din Cluj, Romania (1970), pp. 435-444.
With D. U. Deere, H. W Parker, J. E. Monsees, and B. Schmidt. Design of Tunnel Support Systems. Highway Res. Record, No.339 (1970), pp. 26-33.
Applied Soil Mechanics. Proc. 2nd Southeast Asian Conf. on Soil Eng., Singapore (1970), pp. 622-628.
Foundations for High-Rise Buildings. Proc. 2nd Southeast Asian Conf. on Soil Eng., Singapore (1970), pp. 629-638.
Field Measurements-Underground Structures. ASCE Soil Mech. Lecture Series, Chicago (1970), pp. 91-115.
Tunneling-Where are We Going? Proc. Soil Mech. and Found. Eng. Conf., Univ. of Kansas (1971), 5 p.
With D. J. Hagerty. Heave and Lateral Movements Due to Pile Driving. Journ. ASCE (1971), SM11, 97, pp. 1513-1532.
Discussion: The Standard Penetration Test. Proc. 4th Panamerican Conf. Soil Mech., Puerto Rico (1971) III, pp. 59-61.
Discussion: Slope Stability in Residual Soils. Proc. 4th Panamerican Conf. Soil Mech., Puerto Rico (1971) III, p. 126.
Preface to the Armenian and Russian Translations, Advantages and Limitations of the Observational Method in Applied Soil Mechanics. Problems of Geomechanics, Yerevan (1971), Vol. 5, pp. 30-57. (Transl. by G. TerStepanian.)
Soil-Structure Interaction. Proc. ASCE Conf. on Performance of Earth and Earth- Supported Structures, Purdue Univ. (1972), Vol. 2, pp. 145-154.
Opening Remarks: Session V. Soil-Structure Interaction. Proc. ASCE Conf. on Performance of Earth and Earth-Supported Structures, Purdue Univ. (1972), Vol. 3, pp. 249-250.
Observation and Instrumentation: Some Elementary Considerations. U.S. Dept. of Trans., Fed. Highway. Admin., Highway Focus, Vol. 4, No.2 (1972), pp. 1-5.
With A. J. Hendron, Jr., and B. Mohraz. State of the Arts of Soft-Ground Tunneling. Proc 1st North American Rapid Excavation and Tunneling Conf., Chicago (1972), Vol. l, pp. 259-286.
With D. J. Palladino. Slope Failures in an Overconsolidated Clay, Seattle, Washington. Géotechnique, Dec. 1972, 22, pp. 563-595.
Closing Address. Proc. 5th European Conf on Soil Mech., Madrid (1972), Vol. 2, pp. 349-351.
Preface to: The Penetrometer and Soil Exploration, by G. Sanglerat, Elsevier, Amsterdam (1972), pp. VII-VIII.
With K. Flaate. Braced Cuts in Sand and Clay. Veglaboratoriet, Oslo. Meddelelse No. 41, (1972), pp. 7-29. Also published as Norwegian Geotech. Inst. Publ. 96 (1973), pp. 7-29.
Influence of Nontechnical Factors on the Quality of Embankment Dams. Embankment-Dam Engineering. Casagrande Volume, Wiley, New York (1973), pp. 201-208.
The Civil Engineering Mind - Nature and Nurture. Journ. Boston Soc. Civil Eng., Oct. 1973, 60, pp. 135-144.
With Y. C. E. Chang and B. Broms. Relationship between the Settlement of Soft Clays and Excess Pore Pressure due to Imposed Loads. Proc. 8th Int. Conf Soil Mech., Moscow (1973), 1.1, pp. 93-96.
Opening Remarks. Proc. 8th Int. Conf Soil Mech., Moscow (1973), 4.1, p. 153.
Presidential Address: The Direction of Our Profession. Proc. 8th Int. Conf Soil Mech., Moscow (1973), 4.1, pp. 156-159.
Remarks at Closing Session. Proc.8th Int. Conf Soil Mech., Moscow (1973), 4.1, pp. 173, 183, 184.
Comments on Deep foundations. Proc. 8th Int. Conf Soil Mech., Moscow (1973), 4.2, p. 73.
Comments on Problems in Soil Mechanics and Construction on Soft Clays and Structurally Unstable Soils. Proc. 8th Int. Conf Soil Mech., Moscow (1973), 4.2, pp. 99-100.
Discussion: Lateral Pressures of Clayey Soils on Structures. Proc. 8th Int. Conf Soil Mech., Moscow (1973), 4.3, p. 232.
Techniques and Equipment for Large Tunnels - Current and Future. AWWA, Dec. 1973, pp. 783-785.
Braced Wall and Tieback Systems. ASCE Soil Mech. Lecture Series, Chicago (1973), pp. 1-13.
Soil Mechanics in Engineering Practice: The Story of a Manuscript, 1942-1948. Terzaghi Memorial Lectures, Bogazici Univ., Istanbul (1973), pp. 50-77.
With W. E. Hanson and T. H. Thornburn. Foundation Engineering, 2nd Ed., Wiley, New York (1974), 514 p.
The Technology of Underground Construction, Present and Future. Proc. 2nd North American Rapid Excavation and Tunneling Conf, San Francisco (1974), Vol. 1, pp. 5- 14.
With A. J. Hendron Jr. Computer Applications in Construction Engineering. ASCE Soil Mech. Lecture Series, Evanston, Ill. (1974), pp. 103-106.
With H. O. Ireland. Experience in Teaching Engineering Judgment by Case Histories in Foundation Engineering. Proc. ASCE Conf on Eng. Education, Ohio State Univ. (1974), Vol. 1, pp. 187-192.
Analysis and Design in Geotechnical Engineering: Conference Overview. Proc . ASCE Conf on Analysis and Design in Geotech. Eng., Austin (1974), II, pp. 127-131.
Book review: Settlement of Structures Conference, Pentech Press, London, 1975, Géotechnique, Sept. 1975, 25, p. 627.
Karl Terzaghi and the Chicago Subway. Journ. ASCE (1975), EI 4, 101, pp. 477- 484. Closure (1977), EI 1, 103, pp. 64-65.
The Selection of Soil Parameters for the Design of Foundations. 2nd Nabor Carrillo Lecture. Mexican Soc. for Soil Mech. (1975), 64 p.
Landslides and Their Prevention. Proc. 4th Guelph Symp. on Geomorphology. Univ. of Guelph, Ont., (1975), pp. 133-136.
Lateral Pressures Against Tunnels. ASCE Seminar on Lateral Soil Pressures, Dayton, Ohio (1975), 13 p.
Tunneling in Soft Ground - Geotechnical Considerations. DOT Seminar on Underground Construction, Vail, Colo. (1976), 24 p.
Performance of Lateral Support Systems. ASCE Geotechnical Lecture Series on Lateral Earth Pressures, Boston (1976), 25 p.
On Being Your Own Engineer. Civil Eng. Alumni Assoc. Newsletter, Univ. of Ill., Urbana, Illinois, Fall 1976, pp. 4-5.
With W. L. Chadwick et al. Report to U .S. Dept. of the Interior and State of Idaho on Failure of Teton Dam, Dec. 31, 1976, Superintendent Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, 219 p, 7 app.
With D. U. Deere. The Role of Theory in Geotechnical Field Observations. Structural and Geotechnical Mechanics, W. J. Hall, Ed., Prentice-Hall, New Jersey (1977), pp. 204-219.
Pitfalls of Overconservatism in Geotechnical Engineering. Civil Eng. ASCE, 47:2, Feb. 1977, pp. 62-66.
Rock Foundations for Structures. Proc. ASCE Conf. on Rock Eng. for Found. and Slopes, Boulder (1977), II, pp. 1-21.
Foreword to Award-Winning ASCE Papers in Geotechnical Engineering 1950- 1959. ASCE (1977), p. III.
Advice to a Young Engineer. Military Eng., 69:450, July-Aug. 1977, pp. 232- 234. Reprinted, Journ. Inst. Military Eng., India (1978), Vol. 30, No.2, pp. 39-42.
Vignettes of Four Presidents, 1936-1969. Proc. 9th Int. Conf. Soil Mech., Tokyo (1977), Vol. 3, pp. 285-290.
Let's Get It Straight About Those Dams. Military Eng., 70:453, Jan.-Feb. 1978, pp. 20-23.
Five Lessons from Five Jobs. Original version, A Half Century in Geotechnics. Peynircioglu Jubilee Vol., E. Togrol, Ed., Tech Univ., Istanbul (1978), pp. 85- 91. Edited version, Military Eng., 70:457, Sept.-Oct. 1978, pp. 323-325.
Safety of Foundations for Earth and Rock Fill Dams. ASCE Soil Mech. Lecture Series, Chicago (1978), pp. 1-56.
Liquefaction Potential: Science Versus Practice. Journ. ASCE (1979), GT3, 105, pp. 393-398. Closure (1980), GT6, 106, pp. 729-730.
Foreword to Slurry Walls. by P. P. Xanthakos, McGraw-Hill, New York (1979), pp. XIII-XIV.
Laurits Bjerrum: Contributions to Mechanics of Rockslides. Rockslides and Avalanches, Vol. 2, Barry Voight, Ed., Elsevier, Amsterdam (1979), pp. 134-147.
Subsurface Engineering, Military Eng. , 72:467, May-June 1980, pp. 172-174.
Where Has All the Judgment Gone? Laurits Bjerrum Minneforedrag No.5, Norges Geotekniske Institutt, Oslo (1980), 5 p.; Also: Canadian. Geotech. Journ. (1980), 17:4, pp. 584-590, and Norwegian Geotech. Inst. Publ. 134 (1980), pp. 1-5.
Discussion: Dam Failure in Benefit/Cost Analyses. Journ. ASCE (1981), GT4, 107, pp. 531-532.
Case Histories in Soil Mechanics. Proc. 9th Int. Conf. Soil Mech., Tokyo (1981), Case History Volume, pp. 1-14.
Weathered-Rock Portion of the Wilson Tunnel, Honolulu. Soft-Ground Tunneling, Eds. D. Resendiz and M.P. Romo, Balkema, Rotterdam (1981), pp. 13-22.
Investigating Residual Metamorphics for Tunnels. Proc. 10th Int. Conf. Soil Mech., Stockholm (1981), I, pp. 341-344.
Preface to Soil Dynamics, by Shamsher Prakash, McGraw-Hill, New York (1981), pp. XI-XII.
James Bay Project, Design and Performance of Dams. 1st Annual USCOLD Lecture, U.S. Comm. on Large Dams, N. Y. (1981), 14 p. 17 fig.
Effects of Groundwater on Planning, Design, and Construction. ASCE Geotech. Lecture Series, Chicago (1981), 30 p.
With S. D. Wilson and H. B. Seed. Arthur Casagrande, 1902-1981, a Tribute. Géotechnique, June 1982, 32, pp. 87-94.
Gleanings from 70 Failures. ASCE Seminar on Found. Failures, Problems and Rehabilitation, New York (1982), 30 p.
Discussion: Laboratory Study of Hydraulic Fracturing. Journ. ASCE (1982), GT11, 108, pp. 1498-1499.
Memorial to Kevin Nash. Proc. 10th Int. Conf. Soil Mech., Stockholm (1982), Vol. 4, pp. 168-169.
Comments on Risk Analysis for Dams. Proc. Dam Safety Research Coordination Conf., Interagency Committee on Dam Safety, Research Subcommittee, Denver (1982), pp. II-2-11.
Nature Ignores Specialties, Geotech. News, (1983), March-May, pp. 12-15.
Foreword to Geotechnical Engineering Investigation Manual, by Roy E. Hunt, McGraw-Hill, New York (1983), pp. IX-X.
Karl Terzaghi, 1883-1963. Thoughts Occasioned by the Centenary of his Birth. Géotechnique, Sept. 1983, 33, pp. 349-350.
No Job Without Its Lesson. Cancold Bull. , March 1984, pp. 3, 4.
Judgment in Geotechnical Engineering, the Professional Legacy of Ralph B. Peck. John Dunnicliff and Don U. Deere, Eds. Wiley, New York (1984), 332 p. Reprinted by BiTech Publ., Vancouver (1991).
Case Histories for Today's Geotechnique. Proc Int. Conf. on Case Histories in Geotech. Engineering, Rolla, MO (1984), II, pp. 907-911.
State of the Art: Soft-Ground Tunneling. Tunnelling in Soil and Rock, Proc. Geotech 84 ASCE, Atlanta (1984), pp. 1-11. Closure. Journ. of Geotech. Eng. ASCE (1985), 111:5, pp. 678-679.
With S. D. Wilson and H. B. Seed. Arthur Casagrande 1902-1981. Memorial Tributes, National Acad. Eng. (1984), 2, pp. 41-44.
Geotechnical Engineering in Resource Development. Proc. 7th Panamerican Conf. Soil Mech., Vancouver (1983), III, 853-860.
The Last Sixty Years. Proc. 11th Int. Conf. Soil Mech., San Francisco (1985). Golden Jubilee Volume, Balkema, Rotterdam, pp. 123-133.
Foreword to Geotechnical Engineering Techniques and Practices, by Roy E. Hunt, McGraw-Hill, New York (1986), p. XV.
Review: Canadian Foundation Engineering Manual, Second Edition. Geotech. News, (1986), 4:1, pp. 11-12.
Review: Suit Is a Four Letter Word, by H. W. Nasmith. Geotech. News, (1986), 4:3, p. 35.
Editorial: Preserve the Environment or Change It? Environ. Geol. Water Sci. (1987), 9:3, pp. 129-130.
Design for Constructability. Foundation Drilling, Sept./Oct. 1987, pp. 22-28.
With G. Mesri. Discussion: Compaction–Induced Earth Pressures under Ko- Conditions. Journ. of Geotech. Eng. ASCE, (1987), 113:11, pp. 1406-1408.
Foreword to Geotechnical Instrumentation for Monitoring Field Performance, by John Dunnicliff, Wiley, New York (1988, 1993), pp. vii-ix.
Message to Members of the Southeast Asian Geotechnical Society. Bangkok Post Supplement, (1987) Dec. 7, p. 2. Also in: Souvenir Volume, 20th Anniversary Celebration SE Asian Geotech. Society, and 9th SE Asian Geotech. Conf., (1987), p. 1.
Nature & the Civil Engineer. Geotech. News, (1988), 6:2, pp. 6, 8.
Review: Geotechnical Instrumentation for Monitoring Field Performance, by John Dunnicliff. Geotechn. News, (1988), 6:2, p. 28.
Growing Pains of a New Profession: Soil Mechanics 1925-1940. ASFE, Boston (1988). 11 p.
The Place of Stability Calculations in Evaluating the Safety of Existing Embankment Dams. Civil Engineering Practice – Journ. Boston Soc. of Civ. Eng, (1988), 3:2, pp. 67-80.
Stanley DeWolf Wilson 1912-1985. Memorial Tributes, National Acad. of Eng., (1989), 3, pp. 354-359.
Interface Between Core and Downstream Filter. H. Bolton Seed Symposium Papers, (1989), 2, pp. 237-251, BiTech Publ., Vancouver.
Fifty Years of Lateral Earth Support. Proc. ASCE Conf. on Design and Performance of Earth Retaining Structures, Ithaca (1990), pp. 1-7.
Geotechnical Engineering … Then and Now. Civil Eng. News, (1991) Aug., pp. 18-19.
With A. Tedesko. Leo Casagrande 1903-1990. Memorial Tributes, National Acad. of Eng., (1992), 5, pp. 41-45.
With F.B. Slichter et. al. Geological Surprises at Itezhitezhi Dam, Zambia. Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. on Case Histories in Geotech. Engineering, St. Louis, MO (1993), II, pp. 1207-1212.
Discussion: Estimation Earth Pressures due to Compaction. Journ. of Geotech. Eng. ASCE, (1993), 119:7, pp. 1171-1172.
With. E.W. Brooker. Rational Design Treatment of Slides in Overconsolidated Clays and Clay Shales. Canadian Geotech. Journ., (1993), 30:3, pp. 526-544.
Memorial to Ruth Doggett Terzaghi 1903-1992. Geological Society of America, (1993), Dec.
The Coming of Age of Soil Mechanics: 1920-1970. The First Spencer J. Buchanan Lecture, (1993), Texas A&M University, 15 p.
Use and Abuse of Settlement Analysis. Proc. Settlement ‘94, College Station, Texas (1994), I, pp. 1-7, ASCE Geotech. Special Publ., 40.
Review: A Dedicated Team – Klohn Leonoff Consulting Engineers 1951-1991, by Cyril E. Leonoff. Geotech. News, (1994), 12:4, pp. 62-63.
With K. Terzaghi and G. Mesri. Soil Mechanics in Engineering Practice. 3rd ed. Wiley, New York (1996), 549 p.
Contributors to Engineering Judgment. The Bent of Tau Beta Pi, (1996), Spring, pp. 9, 16.
Reminiscences of an American Geotechnical Engineer Consulting in Canada. Geotechn. News, (1997), 15:4, pp. 54-58.
Discussion: Defects in Soft Clays: a Challenge to Site Characterization for Stability Analysis. Journ. of Geotech. and Geoenv. Eng. ASCE, (1997), 123:11, pp. 1081- 1083.
Gaining Ground. Civil Eng. ASCE, (1997), 67:12, pp. 54-56.
GeoLogan 1997: Our Expanding Geo Industry: Triumphs and Perils. Geotechn. News, (1997), 15:5, pp. 3-7.
Geotechnics – Hindcast and Forecast. Proc. 13th Southeast Asian Geotech. Conf. Taipei (1998), 2, pp. 27-28.
Beware the Oddball. Urban Geotechnology and Rehabilitation, Seminar ASCE Metropolitan Section, Geotech. Group, New York (1998), 7 p.
Foreword to Karl Terzaghi – the Engineer as an Artist, by Richard E. Goodman, ASCE Press, Reston, Va. (1999), pp. ix, x.
With A. Powderham. Talking Point. Ground Eng., (1999), 32:2, p. 3.
Six Decades of Subway Geo-Engineering: the Interplay of Theory and Practice. Proc. National Conf. Geo-Eng. for Underground Facilities, Urbana, Ill. (1999), pp. 1- 15, ASCE Special Geotech. Publ., 90.
Don Bazett 1922-1999. Geotech. News, (1999), 17:3, p. 18.
With A. Powderham. Opportunities. New Civil Eng., (2000), 6. Jan., p. 29.
A Look into the Future. Geo-Strata, ASCE, (2000), April, p. 5.
Risk Analysis for Dams; the Reluctant Conversion (?) of a Skeptic. Proc. Workshop on Risk Assessment for Seepage and Piping in Dams and Foundations, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, (2000), pp. 36-41.
Are the Glory Days all Behind us? Judgment and Innovation – the Heritage and Future of the Geotechnical Engineering Profession, (2000), pp.61-64, ASCE Geotech. Special Publ., 111.
One of Many Lessons from Terzaghi. Ground Eng., (2000), 33: YGEC 2000 Suppl., Sept., pp. 6-7.
A Lesson from Terzaghi. Proc. GEOTECH-YEAR 2000, Developments in Geotech. Eng., AIT Bangkok, (2000), VI, p. 421.
Book Review: Going Underground: Tunneling Past, Present and Future, Ed. by J. K. Stine and H. Rosen, American Publ. Works Assn., 1998. Journ. Soc. for Industrial Archeology, (2000), 26:1, pp. 123-124.
With D. Yang and R. Dobry. Foundation-Soil-Inclusion Interaction Modeling for Rion- Antirion Bridge Seismic Analysis. Proc. 4th Int. Conf. on Recent Advances in Earthquake Geotech. Eng. and Soil Dynamics, San Diego, Cal., (2001), Paper No. 6.20, 9 p.
James P. Gould 1923-1998. Memorial Tributes, National Acad. of Eng., (2001), 9, pp. 98-102.
The Observational Method can be Simple. Geotechnical Engineering – Proc. Inst. of Civil Engineers, (2001), 149:2, pp. 71-74.
Site Characterization: Expect the Unexpected. Proc. Annual Kansas City Geotech. Conf., Univ. of Missouri, Kansas City, (2001), 6 p.
Embankment Dams - Instrumentation versus Monitoring. Geotech. News, (2001), 19:3, pp. 29-30.
The Role of Global, National, and International Societies in Geotechnical Engineering. Geotech. News, (2001); 19:3, pp. 46-47.
Alec Skempton 1914-2001. Ground Eng., (2001), 34:9, p. 11.
Dams and Development. USSD Newsletter, (2001), July, pp. 8-10.
Pioneers in Soil Mechanics: The Harvard/MIT Heritage. Terzaghi’s Career at Harvard. Civil Engineering Practice, (2002), 17:2, pp. 40-41, 47-48.
Recollections of Laurits Bjerrum. Laurits Bjerrum – more than en engineer, Ed.: K. Flaate, E. DiBiagio and K. Senneset, Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, Oslo (2003), pp. 86-89.
The Power of Observation. Geotech. News, (2003) 21:4, pp. 29-30.
With A. Powderham. The Chicago Auditorium Re-visited. Advances in Geotechnical Engineering. Proc. Skempton Conf., London, (2004), 2, pp. 710-723.
Birth of a Theory. Advances in Geotechnical Engineering. Proc. Skempton Conf., London, (2004), 1, pp. 12-13.
With G. L. Biesiadecki, R. Dobry and G. E. Leventis. Rion-Antirion Bridge Foundations: A Blend of Design and Construction Innovation. Proc 5th Int. Conf. on Case Histories in Geotech. Engineering, New York, N.Y. (2004), Paper No. 1.74, 10 p.
With D. Yang and R. Dobry. Foundation-Soil-Inclusion Interaction Modeling for Rion- Antirion Bridge Seismic Analysis. Proc. 5th Int. Conf. on Case Histories in Geotech. Engineering, New York, N.Y. (2004), Paper No. 6.20, 10 p.
Case Histories in Early Soil Mechanics. Proc. 5th Int. Conf. on Case Histories in Geotech. Engineering, New York, N.Y. (2004). Keynote, 2 p.
Book Review: Laurits Bjerrum – More than an Engineer. Ed. by Kaare Flaate, Elmo DiBiagio and Kåre Senneset. Geotech. News, (2004), 22:2, pp. 32-33.
Soil Tests Check Chicago Subway Work. Eng. News-Rec., Dec. 7, 1939, pp. 87-88.
Sampling Methods and Laboratory Tests for Chicago Subway Soils. Proc. Purdue Conf. Soil Mech. and its Applications. July 1940, pp. 140-150.
The Teaching and Practice of Soil Mechanics - A Critical Comparison. Soc. for Promotion of Eng. Education, Civil Eng. Div. Ann Arbor, Mich. (1941), 6 pp.
The Measurement of Earth Pressures on the Chicago Subway. ASTM Bull., Aug. 1941, 111, pp. 25-30.
Soil Mechanics on the Chicago Subway. Ill. Tech. Eng., Oct. 1941, pp. 7-12.
With R. S. Knapp. Open-Cut Soil Pressures on Chicago Subway, Eng. News Rec., Nov. 20, 1941, pp. 87-90.
With R.S. Knapp. Open Cut Soil Pressures. Response to Letter to the Editor. Eng. News Rec., March 26, 1942.
Discussion: Pile-Driving Formulas. Progress Report of the Committee on the Bearing Value of Pile Foundations. Proc. ASCE, Feb. 1942; Also Harvard Univ. Soil Mech. Series, 17, pp. 29-30.
Factors Entering into the Determination of Allowable Loads on Chicago Sub- soils. Journ. Western Soc. Eng. (1942), 47, pp. 69-78.
Earth-Pressure Measurements in Open Cuts, Chicago (Ill.) Subway. Trans. ASCE (1943), 108, pp. 1008-1036. Discussion: pp. 1097-1103.
Discussion: Pendleton Levee Failure. Trans. ASCE (1944), 109, pp. 1414-1416.
With M. E. Uyanik. Fifty Years Ago. Ill. Technograph, Oct. 1944, pp. 14- 15.
First Progress Report of the Joint Investigation of Methods of Roadbed Stabilization. Proc. AREA (1946), 47, pp. 324-353.
Second Progress Report of the Investigation of Methods of Roadbed Stabilization. Proc. AREA (1947), 48, pp. 491-543.
Stabilizing Embankment Slides. Railway. Eng. and Maint. , Jan. 1948, pp. 65- 66.
The Mechanics of Small Earth Dams. Agr. Eng., May 1948, pp. 210-214.
History of Building Foundations in Chicago. Univ. of Ill. Eng. Exp. Sta. Bull. 373 (1948), 62 p.
With W.V. Kaun. Description of a Flow Slide in Loose Sand. Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. Soil Mech., Rotterdam (1948), II, pp. 31-33.
With O. K. Peck. Experience with Flexible Culverts through Railroad Embankments. Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. Soil Mech., Rotterdam (1948), II, pp. 95- 98.
With H. O. Ireland and C. Y. Teng. A Study of Retaining Wall Failures. Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. Soil Mech., Rotterdam (1948), III, pp. 296-299.
With S. Berman. Measurements of Pressures against a Deep Shaft in Plastic Clay. Proc. 2nd lnt. Conf. Soil Mech.. Rotterdam (1948), III, pp. 300-301.
With O. K. Peck. Settlement Observations on a Large Water Tank, Salt Lake City, Utah. Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. Soil Mech., Rotterdam (1948), IV, pp. 1-3.
With O. K. Peck. Settlement of Foundation Due to Saturation of Loess Subsoil. Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. Soil Mech., Rotterdam (1948), IV, pp. 4-5.
A Study of Retaining Wall Failures. Proc. AREA (1948), 49, pp. 660-666.
With K. Terzaghi. Soil Mechanics in Engineering Practice. Wiley, New York (1948), 566 p.
Discussion: Lateral Earth Pressures on Flexible Retaining Walls. Trans. ASCE (1949), 114, pp. 507-510.
Laboratory Studies of Roadbed Stabilization. Proc. AREA (1949), 50, pp. 676- 683; Also published as Univ. of Ill. Eng. Exp. Sta. Reprint Series 42. (1949), 10 p.
The Future of Soil Mechanics in Railroad Engineering. Proc. AREA (1949), 50, pp. 870-872.
With A. E. Cummings and G. Q. Kerkhoff. Effect of Driving Piles into Soft Clay. Trans. ASCE (1950), 115, pp. 275-285. Discussion pp. 346-350.
Soil Mechanics: The Simple, Practical Approach Can Be Fruitful. Modern Railroads, Ju1y 1950, pp. 59-62.
With H.O. Ireland and T.S. Fry. Studies of Soil Characteristics, the Earth Flows of St. Thuribe, Quebec. Univ. of Ill. Soil Mechanics Series (1951), 1, 9 p.
Selection of Foundations for Engineering Structures. Proc. 2nd Int. Conf Soil Mech., Univ. of Ill. (1952), pp. 113-118.
The Bearing Capacity of Clays. Proc. AREA (1952), 53, pp. 1057-1061.
Soil Mechanics as Related to Substructure Design. Louisiana State Univ. .Eng . Exp. Sta. Bull. 30, (1952), pp. 5-11.
With P. G. Bryant. The Bearing-Capacity Failure of the Transcona Elevator. Géotechnique, March 1953, pp. 201-208.
With A. E. Cummings. Local Materials in High Andes Prove Suitable for Rolled-Fill Dam. Civil Eng., May 1953, pp. 293-296.
The Influence of Subsurface Conditions on the Design of Foundations for Waterfront Structures in the Great Lakes Area. Proc. 4th Conf Coastal Eng., Chicago, Oct. 1953, pp. 291-305.
Foundation Exploration - Denver Coliseum. Proc. ASCE 79, Separate 326, Nov. 1953, 14 pp. Discussion: Separate 478, Aug. 1954, p. 45.
With W E. Hanson and T. H. Thornburn. Foundation Engineering. Wiley, New York (1953), 410 p.
With L. P. Drew, et al. Specifications for Design of Retaining Walls and Abutments. Proc. AREA (1953), 54, pp. 797-813.
With H. O. Ireland. Investigation of Stability Problems. Proc. AREA (1953), 54, pp. 1116-1128.
General Report: Piles and Pile Foundations. Proc. 3rd Int. Conf Soil Mech., Zurich (1953), II, pp. 345-348.
With W E. Hanson and T. H. Thornburn. Foundation Engineering - Footings on Typical Sandy and Clayey Soils. Progressive Architecture, Dec. 1953, pp. 95-101.
Foundation Conditions in the Cuyahoga River Valley. Proc. ASCE 80, Separate 513, Oct. 1954, 20p. Closure: Proc. ASCE 81, Separate 658, 1955, pp. 7-8.
With W C. Reed. Engineering Properties of Chicago Subsoils. Univ. of Ill. Eng. Exp. Sta. Bull. 423, (1954), 62 p.
Failures Induced by Weight of Fill. Proc. AREA (1954), 55, pp. 645-651.
Lateral Forces Beneath Fills. Proc. AREA (1954), 55, pp. 1057-1062.
With M. E. Uyanik. Observed and Computed Settlements of Structures in Chicago. Univ. of Ill. Eng. Exp. Sta. Bull. 429, (1955), 60 p.
The Place of Soil Mechanics in Construction. Civil Eng. Bull. ASEE, May 1955, pp. 4-5.
With A. W Skempton and D. H. MacDonald. Settlement Analyses of Six Structures in Chicago and London. Proc. Inst. Civil. Eng. , Ju1y 1955, pp. 525-544.
With Rockwell Smith. Stabilization by Pressure Grouting on American Railroads. Géotechnique, Sept. 1955, pp. 243-252.
Illinois Central Relocation at Grenada Reservoir. Proc. AREA (1955), 56, pp. 702- 706.
With J. D. Parsons. Discussion: The Action of Soft Clay along Friction Piles. Journ. ASCE, 82 (1956), SM3, pp. 1028/10-1028/11; Also Trans. ASCE, 122, (1957), pp. 758-760.
Relocation of Railroad Embankment, O'Hare Field. Chicago. Proc. AREA (1956), 57, pp. 649-657.
Stabilization by Electro-Osmosis. Proc. AREA (1956), 57, pp. 658-660.
With T. H. Wu. Field Observations on Sand Drain Construction on Two Highway Projects in Illinois. Proc. Highway Res. Board (1956), 35, pp. 747-753.
With D. U. Deere and J. L. Capacete. Discussion: The Allowable Settlements of Buildings. Proc. Inst. Civ. Eng., Part III, (1956), 5, pp. 778-781.
With C. C. Cooke et al. Specifications for Design of Spread Footing Foundations. Proc. AREA (1957), 58, pp. 633-648.
With K. Terzaghi. Stabilization of an Ore Pile by Drainage. Journ. ASCE, 83 (1957), SM1, pp. 1-13.
With H. O. Ireland. Discussion: Experiences with Loess as a Foundation Material. Journ. ASCE, 83 (1957), SM1, pp. 21-34.
With M. T. Davisson and Vello Hansen. Discussion: Soil Modulus for Laterally Loaded Piles. Journ. ASCE, 83, (1957), SM2, pp. 1228/22-1228/28.
With H. O. Ireland. Backfill Guide. Journ. ASCE, 83 (1957), ST4, pp. 1-10.
With D. U. Deere. Stability of Cuts in Fine Sands and Varved Clays, Northern Pacific Railway, Noxon Rapids Line Change, Montana. Proc. AREA (1958), 59, pp. 807-815.
Discussion: Consultants, Clients and Contractors. Journ. Boston Soc. Civil Eng., Jan. 1958, 45, pp. 34-37; Also Harvard Univ. Soil Mech. Series 54.
A Study of the Comparative Behavior of Friction Piles. Highway Res. Board Special Report 36 (1958), 72 p.
A Study of the Comparative Behavior of Friction Piles. Highway Res. Abstracts, April 1959, 29, pp. 30-39.
Summary, Bearing Capacity of Structures on Compacted Soils. Proc. 7th Annual Conf Soil Mech., Univ. of Minn. (1959), pp. 25-26.
The Teaching and Practice of Soil Mechanics--A Second Comparison. Journ. ASEE, Jan. 1960, 50, pp. 309-311.
With D. U. Deere. Investigation of Landslides for Planning Remedial Measures. Proc. AREA (1960), 61, pp. 670-611.
Discussion: Compressibility as the Basis for Soil Bearing Value. Journ. ASCE, SM1 (1960), 86, pp. 79-80.
Discussion: Major Power Station Foundation in Broken Limestone. Journ. ASCE, SM1 (1960), 86, pp. 95-98.
Discussion: Tests of Steel Tubular Piles Driven near Saigon River, Vietnam. Highway Res. Board Bull. 242 (1960), p. 40.
With A. Casagrande, L. Bjerrum, and A. W Skempton. From Theory to Practice in Soil Mechanics. Wiley, New York (1960), 425p.
Foundation. Encyclopaedia Americana (1960).
Discussion: Failure Hypotheses for Soils. Proc. Res. Conf on Shear Strength of Cohesive Soils, Boulder, Colo., June 1960, pp. 987-989.
With John Lowe, III. Moderator's Report: Shear Strength of Undisturbed Cohesive Soils. Proc. Res. Conf. on Shear Strength of Cohesive Soils, Boulder, Colo., June 1960, pp. 1137-1140.
Soil Mechanics. Encyclopaedia Britannica (1961).
Quicksand. Encyclopaedia Britannica (1961).
With H. O. Ireland. Full-Scale Lateral Load Test of a Retaining Wall Foundation. Proc. 5th Int. Conf. Soil Mech., Paris (1961), II, pp. 453-458.
Records of Load Tests on Friction Piles. Highway Res. Board Special Report 67 (1961), 412 p.
With S. Berman. Recent Practices for Foundations of High Buildings in Chicago. Symp. on The Design of High Buildings. Golden Jubilee Cong., Sept. 1961. Hong Kong Univ. Press (1962), pp. 85-98.
Discussion: Engineering Geology on the Job and in the Classroom. Journ. Boston Soc. Civil Eng., Jan. 1962, 49, pp. 73-78.
Discussion: Past and Future of Applied Soil Mechanics. Journ. Boston Soc. Civil Eng., Jan. 1962, 49, pp. 96-100.
With M. T. Davisson. Discussion: Design and Stability Considerations for Unique Pier. Trans. ASCE (1962), 127 Part IV, pp. 413-424.
Art and Science in Subsurface Engineering. Géotechnique, March 1962, 12, pp. 60- 66.
Contributions to Panel Discussion on Pile Foundations. Proc. 5th Int. Conf Soil Mech., Paris (1962), III, pp. 243-244.
Contributions to Panel Discussion on Earth Pressures. Proc. 5th Int. Conf Soil Mech.. Paris (1962). III, p. 328.
Discussion: Replies and General Summary. Session II: Foundations. Symp. Design of High Buildings. Univ. of Hong Kong (1962). pp. 103-125.
Discussion: General Summary. Special Session on Foundation Engineering. Symp. Design of High Buildings, Univ. of Hong Kong (1962), pp. 126-138.
With M. T. Davisson. Discussion: Friction Pile Groups in Cohesive Soil. Journ. ASCE, SM1. Feb. 1963. 89, pp. 279-285.
Genera1 Report: Field Investigations. Proc. 2nd Panamerican Conf. Soil Mech., Brazil (1963), II, pp. 449-455,524-525, 548-549.
Discussion: Piled Foundations. Proc. 2nd Panamerican Conf. Soil Mech., Brazil (1963), II, pp. 641-642.
With T. Raamot. Foundation Behavior of Iron Ore Storage Yards. Journ. ASCE, SM3, May 1964, 90, pp. 85-122. Closing discussion: 91, pp. 193-195.
Editorial on Substructure and Superstructure Design. Journ. ASCE, ST4, Part 2, Aug. 1964, 90, pp. 1-2.
Foundations, Structural. Encyclopaedia Britannica (1964).
Pile and Pier Foundations. Journ. ASCE, SM2, March 1965, 91, pp. 33-38.
Reflections on Dr. Karl Terzaghi. Proc. 6th Int. Conf. Soil Mech., Montreal (1965), III, pp. 77-78.
Bearing Capacity and Settlement: Certainties and Uncertainties. Proc. Symp. Bearing Capacity and Settlement of Found. , Duke Univ. (1967), pp. 3-7.
Philosophy of Foundation Design: Questions. Proc. Symp. Bearing Capacity and Settlement of Found., Duke Univ. (1967), pp. 86-88.
Philosophy of Foundation Design: Discussions. Proc. Symp. Bearing Capacity and Settlement of Found., Duke Univ. (1967), pp. 89-90.
Stability of Natural Slopes. Journ. ASCE (1967), SM4, 93, pp. 403-417.
Tunnel. Encyclopaedia Britannica (1967).
Discussion: Portage Mountain Dam 11. Materials. Canadian Geot. Journ., (1967), IV: 2, pp. 166-172.
Discussion: Analysis of Soil Liquefaction: Niigata Earthquake. Journ. ASCE (1967), SM5, 93, pp. 365-366.
Fundamentals of Compaction. Proc. Montana Conf. Soil Mech., (1967), pp. 1-9.
Discussions: Proc. Montana Conf. Soil Mech., (1967), pp. 26,27,41,42,61, 62, 77, 78, 81-85.
Conference Summation Comments. Proc. Montana Conf. Soil Mech., (1967), pp. 87- 89.
Earthquakes and Liquefaction. Proc. Montana Conf. Soil Mech., (1967), pp. 91-95.
With K. Terzaghi. Soil Mechanics in Engineering Practice, 2nd Ed., Wiley, New York (1967), 729 p.
Problems and Opportunities - Technology's Legacy from the Quaternary. Proc. Symp. on The Quaternary of Ill., Univ. of Ill. Coll. Agr. Spec. Publ. No. 14 (1968), pp. 138-144.
With A. R. S. Bazaraa. Discussion: Settlement of Spread Footings on Sand. Journ. ASCE (1969), SM3, 95, pp. 905-909.
Deep Excavations and Tunneling in Soft Ground. State of the Art Volume, 7th Int. Conf. Soil Mech., Mexico (1969), pp. 225-290.
General Report: Deep Excavations and Tunneling in Soft Ground. Proc. 7th Int. Conf. Soil Mech., Mexico (1969), 3, pp. 147-150.
Discussions: Proc. 7th Int. Conf. Soil Mech., Mexico (1969),3, pp. 328,329, 330, 359, 360, 361.
A Man of Judgment. Second R. P. Davis Lecture on the Practice of Engineering, W Va. Univ. Bull. Series 70, No.5-2, Nov. 1969, 10 p.
Advantages and Limitations of the Observational Method in Applied Soil Mechanics. Ninth Rankine Lecture, Géotechnique, June 1969, 19, pp. 171-187.
With J. R. Salley. Tolerable Settlements of Steam Turbine-Generators. Journ. ASCE (1969), PO2, 95, pp. 227-252.
Discussion: Representative Sampling in Location, Quality, and Size. ASTM Spec. Tech. Publ. 483 (1970), pp. 107-108.
With V. Pop and S. Birger. Linii de Influenta Pentru Grinzi Torsionate pe Mediu Elastic (Influence Lines for Twisted Beams on Elastic Foundations). Buletinul Stiintific al lnstitutului Politehnic din Cluj, Romania (1970), pp. 435-444.
With D. U. Deere, H. W Parker, J. E. Monsees, and B. Schmidt. Design of Tunnel Support Systems. Highway Res. Record, No.339 (1970), pp. 26-33.
Applied Soil Mechanics. Proc. 2nd Southeast Asian Conf. on Soil Eng., Singapore (1970), pp. 622-628.
Foundations for High-Rise Buildings. Proc. 2nd Southeast Asian Conf. on Soil Eng., Singapore (1970), pp. 629-638.
Field Measurements-Underground Structures. ASCE Soil Mech. Lecture Series, Chicago (1970), pp. 91-115.
Tunneling-Where are We Going? Proc. Soil Mech. and Found. Eng. Conf., Univ. of Kansas (1971), 5 p.
With D. J. Hagerty. Heave and Lateral Movements Due to Pile Driving. Journ. ASCE (1971), SM11, 97, pp. 1513-1532.
Discussion: The Standard Penetration Test. Proc. 4th Panamerican Conf. Soil Mech., Puerto Rico (1971) III, pp. 59-61.
Discussion: Slope Stability in Residual Soils. Proc. 4th Panamerican Conf. Soil Mech., Puerto Rico (1971) III, p. 126.
Preface to the Armenian and Russian Translations, Advantages and Limitations of the Observational Method in Applied Soil Mechanics. Problems of Geomechanics, Yerevan (1971), Vol. 5, pp. 30-57. (Transl. by G. TerStepanian.)
Soil-Structure Interaction. Proc. ASCE Conf. on Performance of Earth and Earth- Supported Structures, Purdue Univ. (1972), Vol. 2, pp. 145-154.
Opening Remarks: Session V. Soil-Structure Interaction. Proc. ASCE Conf. on Performance of Earth and Earth-Supported Structures, Purdue Univ. (1972), Vol. 3, pp. 249-250.
Observation and Instrumentation: Some Elementary Considerations. U.S. Dept. of Trans., Fed. Highway. Admin., Highway Focus, Vol. 4, No.2 (1972), pp. 1-5.
With A. J. Hendron, Jr., and B. Mohraz. State of the Arts of Soft-Ground Tunneling. Proc 1st North American Rapid Excavation and Tunneling Conf., Chicago (1972), Vol. l, pp. 259-286.
With D. J. Palladino. Slope Failures in an Overconsolidated Clay, Seattle, Washington. Géotechnique, Dec. 1972, 22, pp. 563-595.
Closing Address. Proc. 5th European Conf on Soil Mech., Madrid (1972), Vol. 2, pp. 349-351.
Preface to: The Penetrometer and Soil Exploration, by G. Sanglerat, Elsevier, Amsterdam (1972), pp. VII-VIII.
With K. Flaate. Braced Cuts in Sand and Clay. Veglaboratoriet, Oslo. Meddelelse No. 41, (1972), pp. 7-29. Also published as Norwegian Geotech. Inst. Publ. 96 (1973), pp. 7-29.
Influence of Nontechnical Factors on the Quality of Embankment Dams. Embankment-Dam Engineering. Casagrande Volume, Wiley, New York (1973), pp. 201-208.
The Civil Engineering Mind - Nature and Nurture. Journ. Boston Soc. Civil Eng., Oct. 1973, 60, pp. 135-144.
With Y. C. E. Chang and B. Broms. Relationship between the Settlement of Soft Clays and Excess Pore Pressure due to Imposed Loads. Proc. 8th Int. Conf Soil Mech., Moscow (1973), 1.1, pp. 93-96.
Opening Remarks. Proc. 8th Int. Conf Soil Mech., Moscow (1973), 4.1, p. 153.
Presidential Address: The Direction of Our Profession. Proc. 8th Int. Conf Soil Mech., Moscow (1973), 4.1, pp. 156-159.
Remarks at Closing Session. Proc.8th Int. Conf Soil Mech., Moscow (1973), 4.1, pp. 173, 183, 184.
Comments on Deep foundations. Proc. 8th Int. Conf Soil Mech., Moscow (1973), 4.2, p. 73.
Comments on Problems in Soil Mechanics and Construction on Soft Clays and Structurally Unstable Soils. Proc. 8th Int. Conf Soil Mech., Moscow (1973), 4.2, pp. 99-100.
Discussion: Lateral Pressures of Clayey Soils on Structures. Proc. 8th Int. Conf Soil Mech., Moscow (1973), 4.3, p. 232.
Techniques and Equipment for Large Tunnels - Current and Future. AWWA, Dec. 1973, pp. 783-785.
Braced Wall and Tieback Systems. ASCE Soil Mech. Lecture Series, Chicago (1973), pp. 1-13.
Soil Mechanics in Engineering Practice: The Story of a Manuscript, 1942-1948. Terzaghi Memorial Lectures, Bogazici Univ., Istanbul (1973), pp. 50-77.
With W. E. Hanson and T. H. Thornburn. Foundation Engineering, 2nd Ed., Wiley, New York (1974), 514 p.
The Technology of Underground Construction, Present and Future. Proc. 2nd North American Rapid Excavation and Tunneling Conf, San Francisco (1974), Vol. 1, pp. 5- 14.
With A. J. Hendron Jr. Computer Applications in Construction Engineering. ASCE Soil Mech. Lecture Series, Evanston, Ill. (1974), pp. 103-106.
With H. O. Ireland. Experience in Teaching Engineering Judgment by Case Histories in Foundation Engineering. Proc. ASCE Conf on Eng. Education, Ohio State Univ. (1974), Vol. 1, pp. 187-192.
Analysis and Design in Geotechnical Engineering: Conference Overview. Proc . ASCE Conf on Analysis and Design in Geotech. Eng., Austin (1974), II, pp. 127-131.
Book review: Settlement of Structures Conference, Pentech Press, London, 1975, Géotechnique, Sept. 1975, 25, p. 627.
Karl Terzaghi and the Chicago Subway. Journ. ASCE (1975), EI 4, 101, pp. 477- 484. Closure (1977), EI 1, 103, pp. 64-65.
The Selection of Soil Parameters for the Design of Foundations. 2nd Nabor Carrillo Lecture. Mexican Soc. for Soil Mech. (1975), 64 p.
Landslides and Their Prevention. Proc. 4th Guelph Symp. on Geomorphology. Univ. of Guelph, Ont., (1975), pp. 133-136.
Lateral Pressures Against Tunnels. ASCE Seminar on Lateral Soil Pressures, Dayton, Ohio (1975), 13 p.
Tunneling in Soft Ground - Geotechnical Considerations. DOT Seminar on Underground Construction, Vail, Colo. (1976), 24 p.
Performance of Lateral Support Systems. ASCE Geotechnical Lecture Series on Lateral Earth Pressures, Boston (1976), 25 p.
On Being Your Own Engineer. Civil Eng. Alumni Assoc. Newsletter, Univ. of Ill., Urbana, Illinois, Fall 1976, pp. 4-5.
With W. L. Chadwick et al. Report to U .S. Dept. of the Interior and State of Idaho on Failure of Teton Dam, Dec. 31, 1976, Superintendent Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, 219 p, 7 app.
With D. U. Deere. The Role of Theory in Geotechnical Field Observations. Structural and Geotechnical Mechanics, W. J. Hall, Ed., Prentice-Hall, New Jersey (1977), pp. 204-219.
Pitfalls of Overconservatism in Geotechnical Engineering. Civil Eng. ASCE, 47:2, Feb. 1977, pp. 62-66.
Rock Foundations for Structures. Proc. ASCE Conf. on Rock Eng. for Found. and Slopes, Boulder (1977), II, pp. 1-21.
Foreword to Award-Winning ASCE Papers in Geotechnical Engineering 1950- 1959. ASCE (1977), p. III.
Advice to a Young Engineer. Military Eng., 69:450, July-Aug. 1977, pp. 232- 234. Reprinted, Journ. Inst. Military Eng., India (1978), Vol. 30, No.2, pp. 39-42.
Vignettes of Four Presidents, 1936-1969. Proc. 9th Int. Conf. Soil Mech., Tokyo (1977), Vol. 3, pp. 285-290.
Let's Get It Straight About Those Dams. Military Eng., 70:453, Jan.-Feb. 1978, pp. 20-23.
Five Lessons from Five Jobs. Original version, A Half Century in Geotechnics. Peynircioglu Jubilee Vol., E. Togrol, Ed., Tech Univ., Istanbul (1978), pp. 85- 91. Edited version, Military Eng., 70:457, Sept.-Oct. 1978, pp. 323-325.
Safety of Foundations for Earth and Rock Fill Dams. ASCE Soil Mech. Lecture Series, Chicago (1978), pp. 1-56.
Liquefaction Potential: Science Versus Practice. Journ. ASCE (1979), GT3, 105, pp. 393-398. Closure (1980), GT6, 106, pp. 729-730.
Foreword to Slurry Walls. by P. P. Xanthakos, McGraw-Hill, New York (1979), pp. XIII-XIV.
Laurits Bjerrum: Contributions to Mechanics of Rockslides. Rockslides and Avalanches, Vol. 2, Barry Voight, Ed., Elsevier, Amsterdam (1979), pp. 134-147.
Subsurface Engineering, Military Eng. , 72:467, May-June 1980, pp. 172-174.
Where Has All the Judgment Gone? Laurits Bjerrum Minneforedrag No.5, Norges Geotekniske Institutt, Oslo (1980), 5 p.; Also: Canadian. Geotech. Journ. (1980), 17:4, pp. 584-590, and Norwegian Geotech. Inst. Publ. 134 (1980), pp. 1-5.
Discussion: Dam Failure in Benefit/Cost Analyses. Journ. ASCE (1981), GT4, 107, pp. 531-532.
Case Histories in Soil Mechanics. Proc. 9th Int. Conf. Soil Mech., Tokyo (1981), Case History Volume, pp. 1-14.
Weathered-Rock Portion of the Wilson Tunnel, Honolulu. Soft-Ground Tunneling, Eds. D. Resendiz and M.P. Romo, Balkema, Rotterdam (1981), pp. 13-22.
Investigating Residual Metamorphics for Tunnels. Proc. 10th Int. Conf. Soil Mech., Stockholm (1981), I, pp. 341-344.
Preface to Soil Dynamics, by Shamsher Prakash, McGraw-Hill, New York (1981), pp. XI-XII.
James Bay Project, Design and Performance of Dams. 1st Annual USCOLD Lecture, U.S. Comm. on Large Dams, N. Y. (1981), 14 p. 17 fig.
Effects of Groundwater on Planning, Design, and Construction. ASCE Geotech. Lecture Series, Chicago (1981), 30 p.
With S. D. Wilson and H. B. Seed. Arthur Casagrande, 1902-1981, a Tribute. Géotechnique, June 1982, 32, pp. 87-94.
Gleanings from 70 Failures. ASCE Seminar on Found. Failures, Problems and Rehabilitation, New York (1982), 30 p.
Discussion: Laboratory Study of Hydraulic Fracturing. Journ. ASCE (1982), GT11, 108, pp. 1498-1499.
Memorial to Kevin Nash. Proc. 10th Int. Conf. Soil Mech., Stockholm (1982), Vol. 4, pp. 168-169.
Comments on Risk Analysis for Dams. Proc. Dam Safety Research Coordination Conf., Interagency Committee on Dam Safety, Research Subcommittee, Denver (1982), pp. II-2-11.
Nature Ignores Specialties, Geotech. News, (1983), March-May, pp. 12-15.
Foreword to Geotechnical Engineering Investigation Manual, by Roy E. Hunt, McGraw-Hill, New York (1983), pp. IX-X.
Karl Terzaghi, 1883-1963. Thoughts Occasioned by the Centenary of his Birth. Géotechnique, Sept. 1983, 33, pp. 349-350.
No Job Without Its Lesson. Cancold Bull. , March 1984, pp. 3, 4.
Judgment in Geotechnical Engineering, the Professional Legacy of Ralph B. Peck. John Dunnicliff and Don U. Deere, Eds. Wiley, New York (1984), 332 p. Reprinted by BiTech Publ., Vancouver (1991).
Case Histories for Today's Geotechnique. Proc Int. Conf. on Case Histories in Geotech. Engineering, Rolla, MO (1984), II, pp. 907-911.
State of the Art: Soft-Ground Tunneling. Tunnelling in Soil and Rock, Proc. Geotech 84 ASCE, Atlanta (1984), pp. 1-11. Closure. Journ. of Geotech. Eng. ASCE (1985), 111:5, pp. 678-679.
With S. D. Wilson and H. B. Seed. Arthur Casagrande 1902-1981. Memorial Tributes, National Acad. Eng. (1984), 2, pp. 41-44.
Geotechnical Engineering in Resource Development. Proc. 7th Panamerican Conf. Soil Mech., Vancouver (1983), III, 853-860.
The Last Sixty Years. Proc. 11th Int. Conf. Soil Mech., San Francisco (1985). Golden Jubilee Volume, Balkema, Rotterdam, pp. 123-133.
Foreword to Geotechnical Engineering Techniques and Practices, by Roy E. Hunt, McGraw-Hill, New York (1986), p. XV.
Review: Canadian Foundation Engineering Manual, Second Edition. Geotech. News, (1986), 4:1, pp. 11-12.
Review: Suit Is a Four Letter Word, by H. W. Nasmith. Geotech. News, (1986), 4:3, p. 35.
Editorial: Preserve the Environment or Change It? Environ. Geol. Water Sci. (1987), 9:3, pp. 129-130.
Design for Constructability. Foundation Drilling, Sept./Oct. 1987, pp. 22-28.
With G. Mesri. Discussion: Compaction–Induced Earth Pressures under Ko- Conditions. Journ. of Geotech. Eng. ASCE, (1987), 113:11, pp. 1406-1408.
Foreword to Geotechnical Instrumentation for Monitoring Field Performance, by John Dunnicliff, Wiley, New York (1988, 1993), pp. vii-ix.
Message to Members of the Southeast Asian Geotechnical Society. Bangkok Post Supplement, (1987) Dec. 7, p. 2. Also in: Souvenir Volume, 20th Anniversary Celebration SE Asian Geotech. Society, and 9th SE Asian Geotech. Conf., (1987), p. 1.
Nature & the Civil Engineer. Geotech. News, (1988), 6:2, pp. 6, 8.
Review: Geotechnical Instrumentation for Monitoring Field Performance, by John Dunnicliff. Geotechn. News, (1988), 6:2, p. 28.
Growing Pains of a New Profession: Soil Mechanics 1925-1940. ASFE, Boston (1988). 11 p.
The Place of Stability Calculations in Evaluating the Safety of Existing Embankment Dams. Civil Engineering Practice – Journ. Boston Soc. of Civ. Eng, (1988), 3:2, pp. 67-80.
Stanley DeWolf Wilson 1912-1985. Memorial Tributes, National Acad. of Eng., (1989), 3, pp. 354-359.
Interface Between Core and Downstream Filter. H. Bolton Seed Symposium Papers, (1989), 2, pp. 237-251, BiTech Publ., Vancouver.
Fifty Years of Lateral Earth Support. Proc. ASCE Conf. on Design and Performance of Earth Retaining Structures, Ithaca (1990), pp. 1-7.
Geotechnical Engineering … Then and Now. Civil Eng. News, (1991) Aug., pp. 18-19.
With A. Tedesko. Leo Casagrande 1903-1990. Memorial Tributes, National Acad. of Eng., (1992), 5, pp. 41-45.
With F.B. Slichter et. al. Geological Surprises at Itezhitezhi Dam, Zambia. Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. on Case Histories in Geotech. Engineering, St. Louis, MO (1993), II, pp. 1207-1212.
Discussion: Estimation Earth Pressures due to Compaction. Journ. of Geotech. Eng. ASCE, (1993), 119:7, pp. 1171-1172.
With. E.W. Brooker. Rational Design Treatment of Slides in Overconsolidated Clays and Clay Shales. Canadian Geotech. Journ., (1993), 30:3, pp. 526-544.
Memorial to Ruth Doggett Terzaghi 1903-1992. Geological Society of America, (1993), Dec.
The Coming of Age of Soil Mechanics: 1920-1970. The First Spencer J. Buchanan Lecture, (1993), Texas A&M University, 15 p.
Use and Abuse of Settlement Analysis. Proc. Settlement ‘94, College Station, Texas (1994), I, pp. 1-7, ASCE Geotech. Special Publ., 40.
Review: A Dedicated Team – Klohn Leonoff Consulting Engineers 1951-1991, by Cyril E. Leonoff. Geotech. News, (1994), 12:4, pp. 62-63.
With K. Terzaghi and G. Mesri. Soil Mechanics in Engineering Practice. 3rd ed. Wiley, New York (1996), 549 p.
Contributors to Engineering Judgment. The Bent of Tau Beta Pi, (1996), Spring, pp. 9, 16.
Reminiscences of an American Geotechnical Engineer Consulting in Canada. Geotechn. News, (1997), 15:4, pp. 54-58.
Discussion: Defects in Soft Clays: a Challenge to Site Characterization for Stability Analysis. Journ. of Geotech. and Geoenv. Eng. ASCE, (1997), 123:11, pp. 1081- 1083.
Gaining Ground. Civil Eng. ASCE, (1997), 67:12, pp. 54-56.
GeoLogan 1997: Our Expanding Geo Industry: Triumphs and Perils. Geotechn. News, (1997), 15:5, pp. 3-7.
Geotechnics – Hindcast and Forecast. Proc. 13th Southeast Asian Geotech. Conf. Taipei (1998), 2, pp. 27-28.
Beware the Oddball. Urban Geotechnology and Rehabilitation, Seminar ASCE Metropolitan Section, Geotech. Group, New York (1998), 7 p.
Foreword to Karl Terzaghi – the Engineer as an Artist, by Richard E. Goodman, ASCE Press, Reston, Va. (1999), pp. ix, x.
With A. Powderham. Talking Point. Ground Eng., (1999), 32:2, p. 3.
Six Decades of Subway Geo-Engineering: the Interplay of Theory and Practice. Proc. National Conf. Geo-Eng. for Underground Facilities, Urbana, Ill. (1999), pp. 1- 15, ASCE Special Geotech. Publ., 90.
Don Bazett 1922-1999. Geotech. News, (1999), 17:3, p. 18.
With A. Powderham. Opportunities. New Civil Eng., (2000), 6. Jan., p. 29.
A Look into the Future. Geo-Strata, ASCE, (2000), April, p. 5.
Risk Analysis for Dams; the Reluctant Conversion (?) of a Skeptic. Proc. Workshop on Risk Assessment for Seepage and Piping in Dams and Foundations, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, (2000), pp. 36-41.
Are the Glory Days all Behind us? Judgment and Innovation – the Heritage and Future of the Geotechnical Engineering Profession, (2000), pp.61-64, ASCE Geotech. Special Publ., 111.
One of Many Lessons from Terzaghi. Ground Eng., (2000), 33: YGEC 2000 Suppl., Sept., pp. 6-7.
A Lesson from Terzaghi. Proc. GEOTECH-YEAR 2000, Developments in Geotech. Eng., AIT Bangkok, (2000), VI, p. 421.
Book Review: Going Underground: Tunneling Past, Present and Future, Ed. by J. K. Stine and H. Rosen, American Publ. Works Assn., 1998. Journ. Soc. for Industrial Archeology, (2000), 26:1, pp. 123-124.
With D. Yang and R. Dobry. Foundation-Soil-Inclusion Interaction Modeling for Rion- Antirion Bridge Seismic Analysis. Proc. 4th Int. Conf. on Recent Advances in Earthquake Geotech. Eng. and Soil Dynamics, San Diego, Cal., (2001), Paper No. 6.20, 9 p.
James P. Gould 1923-1998. Memorial Tributes, National Acad. of Eng., (2001), 9, pp. 98-102.
The Observational Method can be Simple. Geotechnical Engineering – Proc. Inst. of Civil Engineers, (2001), 149:2, pp. 71-74.
Site Characterization: Expect the Unexpected. Proc. Annual Kansas City Geotech. Conf., Univ. of Missouri, Kansas City, (2001), 6 p.
Embankment Dams - Instrumentation versus Monitoring. Geotech. News, (2001), 19:3, pp. 29-30.
The Role of Global, National, and International Societies in Geotechnical Engineering. Geotech. News, (2001); 19:3, pp. 46-47.
Alec Skempton 1914-2001. Ground Eng., (2001), 34:9, p. 11.
Dams and Development. USSD Newsletter, (2001), July, pp. 8-10.
Pioneers in Soil Mechanics: The Harvard/MIT Heritage. Terzaghi’s Career at Harvard. Civil Engineering Practice, (2002), 17:2, pp. 40-41, 47-48.
Recollections of Laurits Bjerrum. Laurits Bjerrum – more than en engineer, Ed.: K. Flaate, E. DiBiagio and K. Senneset, Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, Oslo (2003), pp. 86-89.
The Power of Observation. Geotech. News, (2003) 21:4, pp. 29-30.
With A. Powderham. The Chicago Auditorium Re-visited. Advances in Geotechnical Engineering. Proc. Skempton Conf., London, (2004), 2, pp. 710-723.
Birth of a Theory. Advances in Geotechnical Engineering. Proc. Skempton Conf., London, (2004), 1, pp. 12-13.
With G. L. Biesiadecki, R. Dobry and G. E. Leventis. Rion-Antirion Bridge Foundations: A Blend of Design and Construction Innovation. Proc 5th Int. Conf. on Case Histories in Geotech. Engineering, New York, N.Y. (2004), Paper No. 1.74, 10 p.
With D. Yang and R. Dobry. Foundation-Soil-Inclusion Interaction Modeling for Rion- Antirion Bridge Seismic Analysis. Proc. 5th Int. Conf. on Case Histories in Geotech. Engineering, New York, N.Y. (2004), Paper No. 6.20, 10 p.
Case Histories in Early Soil Mechanics. Proc. 5th Int. Conf. on Case Histories in Geotech. Engineering, New York, N.Y. (2004). Keynote, 2 p.
Book Review: Laurits Bjerrum – More than an Engineer. Ed. by Kaare Flaate, Elmo DiBiagio and Kåre Senneset. Geotech. News, (2004), 22:2, pp. 32-33.